
I'm glad our paths are crossing. I'm passionate about entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity and I hope you'll find some inspiration here. Waves of change are forcing us to redefine our place in the world. Real assets are changing - the affordability of housing, the impact technology has on office use, and the impact of climate change are just a few examples. Systems we take for granted are being called into question: education, government, economics, society.....

It all feels like too much because it is too much. Our legacy systems and traditional infrastructure are inadequate.

Suddenly, we are taking inventory of what really matters - and realizing what really doesn't.

This is my project - #tinygiants.

I believe that small, positive actions - done regularly and over time will produce multiplicative results. Those results will lead to resiliency.

It's wild that money comes to mind, isn't it? Compounding interest - the way to financial freedom? The rule of 72? Yeah, no - I'm not talking about that kind of interest. I'm talking about human interest.

If we really want to fix some of the WICKED problems in the world we need two things:

  1. Resilient Systems
  2. Contribution

That's why I'm recruiting an army of #tinygiants. We need people who are willing to get things done. While simple in concept, it's not so easy to find in the wild.

The health of the host is more important than the treatment of the system. Natural systems have natural resilience and natural predators. I always look to natural systems first. Their form is pure and simple. Circular not linear. Active. Responsive. Beautiful.

So where does this apply?

Community Building. Team Building. Construction Science. Sustainability Efforts. Environmental Literacy. Urban Planning. Anywhere resilient organizations benefit from dependency awareness.

Regenerative systems return value and benefit to the host at a rate greater than their rate of extraction.

I'm in, now what?

3 things: Subscribe, Join, Contribute

Sign up by clicking subscribe. This is where the newsletter and information will be pushed. It's also where the podcast, The Edge Report updates will be posted. I know, I know - I don't like the email inbox thing either, but for now, it's still the preferred method for most.

Go over to LinkedIn and join the #tinygiants group. That's where we'll be sharing our collective efforts and stories.

Contribute. Many hands make light work. Colonies are more resilient than individuals. Contribution is essential to resiliency.

#bettertogether #naturalsystems #reslientcommunities