The 'Real' World

The 'Real' World

This entry originally appeared on December 28th, 2022 using the platform and has been permanently stored onchain and signed via ArWeave.

"Because when you get to the real world, you'll need these skills."

Trust me.

Because I said so.


I couldn't use a calculator when I was in middle school, and I didn't like that. If I had the tool and knew which numbers to put in (in the right order), why couldn't I use it? It calculated better than me. I was better at math with it than I was without it.

"Because it doesn't show your work" I was told.

But I answered the question correctly.

If you want to see my work, why are you asking for the answer?

"Because it shows me you understand the problem."

Does this demonstrate that I understood the problem or that I knew how to solve it?

How are we educating our future workforce? Are we asking them to solve the problem or show their work?

There's a better way - and I think it starts with understanding ourselves and our students before teaching information. We’re not all the same - and we certainly don’t process the information in the same way or at the same rate.

While I was busy questioning the questions, my classmate Sarah next to me was busy getting A’s. We were presented the same information, but we came at it from two different angles. In the end - it didn’t matter

Do you know what really matters?

Getting Along.



Right & Wrong.



Being Thoughtful.

That’s what separates us from the machines that do the calculations. Human ability doesn’t change. That’s what we need to be teaching and learning, our individual and collective human abilities.

Personally, I’m considered a Servant Leader. Servant leaders have strengths in relating, thinking, and acting with no strength in motivating. We prefer behind-the-scenes work and rarely take center stage. Even though we don’t have top strengths in motivation, our style generates trust, confidence, and camaraderie.

This came from Rex Miller’s Genius Spark - based on my Clifton Strengths test. I wanted to know more about myself so I could focus on my strengths while being aware of my weaknesses. The program gives you a genius paragraph and a kryptonite paragraph. Here are mine:

Genius paragraph:

I can see the hidden strengths in others and help them realize their potential. I can see things over the horizon that others have a hard time imagining. I don’t get attached to ideas; I use them as tools to stimulate my thinking. My sense of adventure motivates me to launch new initiatives. I need to hear the big idea before actually hearing about the details. Whenever I’m in a conversation, I look for common themes and patterns.

Kryptonite paragraph:

I may be able to do anything, but I can do everything. I can underestimate what it twill take to reach my vision of the future. I can take conversations and meetings of course. I tend to have a lot of things started but not as many things completed. I often assume that what seems clear to me should seem clear to others. I get impatient when I’m ready to move on, and others get deeper into the weeds.

I got these results about a month ago. At Rex’s recommendation, I printed them and revisit them each morning and afternoon to compare the events of the day to the way I approached them. It’s a routine I’ve grown fond of.

As we reflect on the events, accomplishments, and shortcomings of 2022 - perhaps we should have a deeper sense of self - both strengths and weaknesses - so we can start to help others as we help ourselves.

In January, I’m creating an advisory board for TotalTenancy™. If it effectively solves some of the problems we are designing it to solve, we’ll need a solid group of people to support and improve the offering. We’re being intentional about team dynamics and thought diversity because the success of the product depends upon it. We’re decentralizing, automating, and ultimately using artificial intelligence to offer us a new learning model.

Feel free to bring your calculator. I personally struggle without mine.



Photo Cred - Agence Olloweb